In response to the global pandemic – COVID-19, TransNamib Holdings Limited implemented its own emergency response plan to mitigate the risk of the virus and protect its passengers and staff.
TransNamib as a responsible citizen has a duty to ensure that it implements additional measures to ensure a healthy and conducive environment for its customers as well as its employees and have therefore implemented the following measures:
- TransNamib has made available hand soap and other hygiene products at the receptions of all its buildings, on its passenger trains and at all the stations.
- All frontline staff members have received face masks that are worn at all times.
- Placed a moratorium on business travel to affected countries until such time as COVID-19 is contained.
- Keeping meetings to an absolute minimum and no gatherings of over 10 people.
- General workers will on an hourly basis clean and disinfect commonly touched areas used frequently by staff/customers such as door handles. Employees have also been encouraged to use their access cards instead of accessing the building through the fingerprint biometric system.
- TransNamib has for 30 days suspended its Desert Express operations and foreign operated trains will for the same period be restricted in its use of the railway lines.
TransNamib has headed the call from its shareholder to necessary precautionary measures to avoid any further transmission of the COVID-19 virus and would like to urge its passengers and employees to make use of the hygienic measures put in place; wash their hands frequently, to close their nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow and avoid large gatherings.
We are closley montioring the situation and our emergency response plan will be adjusted and updated when needed, based on the newest information provided by the government.
Media Contact:
Ms Abigail Raubenheimer
Manager: Corporate Communications
Email: Abigail.
Phone: +264 81 858 0909