Our shareholder

TransNamib was established in terms of the National Transportation Service Holding Company Act of 1998 and is the successor of the former TransNamib Ltd. All shares in TransNamib are owned by the Government of the Republic of Namibia, which also exercises non-regulatory control through the appointment of the directors. The Government of the Republic of Namibia exercises oversight and control through the Ministry of Public Enterprises.

Our mandate links in with the national objectives outlined in Vision 2030, NDP 5 and the Harambee Prosperity Plan.  In terms of TransNamib’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, the main business which the company is to carry on (i.e. its purpose and its main object) are as follows:

  • To provide and promote, either by itself or through any subsidiary company, transport services in Namibia or elsewhere by managing, developing and utilising the resources and assets at its disposal;
  • To manage and develop, either by itself or through any subsidiary company, immovable property, including such property as may be transferred to it by virtue of section 14(1)(a) of the National Transport Services Holding Company Act, 1998 (Act No. 28 of 1998); and
  • To conduct, either by itself or through any subsidiary company, and with the consent of the Shareholder Minister, any other business, on a commercial basis.”